
Kelly Molson to speak at The Visitor Attraction Conference 2020

We are excited to announce that on October 8th, 2020 our Managing Director Kelly will be speaking at The Visitor Attractions Conference.

5 Top Tips to Improve Your Guests’ User Journey (so you convert more bookings)

In this presentation I’ll share with you our top tips to improve your guests’ user journey that can be implemented really easily, making marginal gains without costing a fortune.

In it we cover:

  • Making the buy button easy to find
  • Streamlining the booking journey so users don’t click off before they’ve made a purchase
  • Improving your website’s speed
  • Chatbots for effortless communication
  • Focusing on offers that add value to a guest’s existing purchase

At RC, we really love the theory of marginal gains – small incremental improvements in any process, adding up to a significant improvement when they are all added together. If you apply this theory to improving your guests’ user journey, and you’ll convert more bookings.

If you missed the recent speaker slot at The Annual Visitor Attraction Conference you can catch up by watching the video below.


Paul Wright.
Kelly Molson Managing Director

Host of the popular Skip the Queue Podcast, for people working in or working with visitor attractions, she regularly delivers workshops and presentations on the sector at various national conferences and universities including The Visitor Attractions Conference, ASVA and Anglia Ruskin University.

Read more about me

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